Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Shoes

The only thing cuter than baby shoes is baby feet.  That's what I always say.

But it'd be pretty creepy to give baby feet to a new mom, so I usually settle for shoes.  Like these.

I used the Taylor Shoe pattern from Homespun Threads.  She's got some really cute designs, and they're all free, which you know I love.  There were a few confusing steps, but overall these were pretty easy to whip up.

I used fabric from from a pair of old cords (outside) and a stained t-shirt (inside), which happened to perfectly match a set of onesies I bought on a clearance rack months and months ago.  Awesome.  Semi-homemade gifting at its finest.

Except, can I make just one little confession?  I actually made these in preparation for a baby shower for my friend Erin.  But if you know my friend Erin, you know that she had a girl.  And if I paid a little more attention to the invitation before I made a gift, I'd have known that too.  No worries though!  I have lots of friends, and they have lots of babies.  So it didn't take long to find some baby (boy) feet to go inside the baby (boy) shoes; Betzy's little sweetheart Jakob.  And now, to come up with something for a girl!  (Sorry Erin!  Not only am I dumb, I'm also slow.)


Ree said...

wow! you make shoes, too?!

Dosbooges said...

Lol! You are neither! We are super honored to even be under consideration to receive something crafted from the famous Diana "stash." - Erin 'n Ania