The only thing cuter than baby shoes is baby feet. That's what I always say.
But it'd be pretty creepy to give baby feet to a new mom, so I usually settle for shoes. Like these.
I used the Taylor Shoe pattern from Homespun Threads. She's got some really cute designs, and they're all free, which you know I love. There were a few confusing steps, but overall these were pretty easy to whip up.But it'd be pretty creepy to give baby feet to a new mom, so I usually settle for shoes. Like these.
I used fabric from from a pair of old cords (outside) and a stained t-shirt (inside), which happened to perfectly match a set of onesies I bought on a clearance rack months and months ago. Awesome. Semi-homemade gifting at its finest.
Except, can I make just one little confession? I actually made these in preparation for a baby shower for my friend Erin. But if you know my friend Erin, you know that she had a girl. And if I paid a little more attention to the invitation before I made a gift, I'd have known that too. No worries though! I have lots of friends, and they have lots of babies. So it didn't take long to find some baby (boy) feet to go inside the baby (boy) shoes; Betzy's little sweetheart Jakob. And now, to come up with something for a girl! (Sorry Erin! Not only am I dumb, I'm also slow.)
wow! you make shoes, too?!
Lol! You are neither! We are super honored to even be under consideration to receive something crafted from the famous Diana "stash." - Erin 'n Ania
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