Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Sarah Jane

Send me your address, and I will send you a surprise.

You'll never guess what it is!

I hope that these stripes are not too girly for the men in your household.  I don't think so though.  If anyone's got the good looks and boyish charm to pull off pastel stripes, it's your guys.

And I hope your little lady is not too old for twirly skirts.  Cause this one's twirly.  And if it were my size, I'd keep it.



Princess Gerty said...

YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! THANK YOU! My oldest and most masculine son said, "those ties are cool!"

Princess Gerty said...

The package came in the mail Friday and all the kids have been so excited to wear their matching duds! Thank you, thank you so much! I will post some pictures and you will see how cute they are! They do your work justice!!! When asked what his high was today, Isaak said, wearing his new tie!!!! (that is a big deal, he hates wearing ties). Sorry for the novel. I just need to make my own post...