Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Stuff you can make

This is a tote bag made from a vintage tea towel I found in the closet of the Relief Society room. There were dozens of them, although, sadly, not all of them featured creepy crustaceans. I'd initially planned to make it into a skirt for Grace, but then I decided on a tote bag because it was easier.

And it was easy. You can make one too! You should make one too! Come over! We'll do it together!

The battery on my camera died before I could get pictures of the inside, but it's the same striped fabric used on the handles. It's completely reversible. But why would you want to reverse it? Crustaceans! Creepy!

While you're making stuff, you might want to consider this easy girl's ruffled skirt.  Or a matching tie for the big brother.   And do I even need to mention that tie onesies are the easiest thing in the world to make, and that once you try one for yourself you'll lose all respect for me passing them off as handmade gifts.

Anyway, the point is, I have a lot of fabric to use up.  So you should come over and help me.  And take home something pretty (or creepy) when you're done.

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